About This Site!

Hi, my name is Sofie, and I created this website. I am currently a first-year transfer student majoring in Computer Science at UCSD in Sixth College. I've created this website using HTML and CSS, with help from my previous experience coding websites. Petthecow.com This website was created for the CAT 125 class I am in about communication through various mediums.
This website aims to show you about native plants in California and why you should be growing native plants. It will contain information on why to choose native plants, resources for finding native plants, and tools for organizing your garden. You might be thinking, this is a computer science student, why make a website about plants? The reason for this is that I've always had an interest in plants ( I was initially planning to be a botany major). I have always been interested in learning about different types of plants. I have also enjoyed gardening, growing fruit and vegetables in the yard, and managing composting worms.
Additionally, this year, I helped plan my house's front and back yard redo. With a rebate from the county of Santa Clara inspiring us, we sought to transform our old lawn into a native and drought-tolerant plant garden. This rebate was based on land area, and we got $3/ sq ft up to 1000 sq ft, so we got $3000. This was an intensive undertaking due to the large area and needing to stay within the qualifications for the rebate. We needed to use plants from their list and have the area of the plants be at least 50% of the total area.

Diagram of yard plan
Diagram of yard plan
Diagram of yard plan

Here are some pictures of the project and the steps it took. Firstly we needed to measure our area, and I created a digital map using google slides, with 1 ft being 10 pixels. I then needed to find the plants that I wanted, and that entailed looking at the look of the plant, the area, the needs, and where it could be found. We needed to give the county a list of all the plants we planned to put in the yard for the rebate before buying anything. Then once deciding on the plants we wanted, it was putting them onto the map with an accurate size. This resulted in many iterations of the map, moving plants to different areas, and keeping all the factors in mind.
As it was my mother's house, she also had ideas and wants for plants she wanted for the yard, which resulted in some sourcing issues. Finding the plants we wanted proved to be difficult, going to countless nurseries to try and see everything we wanted, yet still unable to find them all. Calling nurseries proved helpful in some instances, but a lot of times, just going and searching through the plants resulted in us finding them.
Eventually, we were able to find most of the plants and plant them with a new drip system. Since they were not the same as the original list, we needed to update the list of plants and resend it to the county for approval. However, there were more challenges to come, such as a heatwave killing some of the plants and thus needing to buy and replant new ones to take their place. Another issue with the unexpected rain this year is the growth of weeds, which we are dealing with retroactively by putting weed cloth under the mulch. Overall, I hope I can help you learn more about native plants and inspire you to redo a part of your garden.